S. Laila Jepson

Rediscover Health

About the Practitioner

The human body has always fascinated me and I love to just watch people and marvel at the ingenuity of this amazing machine we inhabit.  My father was a massage therapist and I believe that I inherited his love of the human body and helping others in feeling better and finding balance in their life.  This is a gift that I enjoy sharing with others.

I am a happy transplant from the suburbs of New York City and truly love the midwest pace, open space sprinkled into the perfect size Downtown of Des Moines. Love brought me out here to the amazing midwest and now the love of the region helps keeps us here.   

In the rare moments when I have free time I enjoy spending it with my husband, family and friends. You may also find me outside admiring nature, stuck in a book or playing with our cats when I'm not working or giving massages.




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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